Tag Archives: Follow Your Dreams

The “Visualization”

6 Nov

For most people, it all started out with the famous book, The Secret. It stressed on the importance of visualizing your future – the dream board. Corny? Yes. But it works. Everyone knows that it is human nature to need constant visualization of your goals. It serves as a daily reminder of future goals, no matter how big or small.

I’m not any different than most. I read the book and thought – genius. Even more than anything, I believe in the Laws of Attraction. If you constantly believe in the good and attract good vibes as well as give them out, I think that you welcome positivism. As oppose to those other people, the ones one the dark side who always see the glass half empty and when someone else is doing good, their immediate response or reaction is only to compare or belittle. As much as times we can’t help but maybe feel a little jealousy (again we are all humans here, right?), it is important to always be happy and wish others well. Hey they’re  just like you, with the same amount of hours in a day to make it happen.

More and more, I realize how having a visual of the things you want helps you to work that much harder for it and not lose sight. I will say that as time passes I’ve had to unpin a few and add a few. That’s life, as time passes, the things that really matter or you truly want change with age.

So print it, cut it, visualize it and go for it.

Just Jump

6 Aug

It can be very easy to get discouraged especially when one part of your life isn’t working exactly up to par. But the more I read on different people, both from the past and today I realized that in cases like this they threw themselves into their passion or work. I wouldn’t exactly say fashion is my big thing but more the business part of it. There are times where I am even tempted to go back to school to get a certificate in entrepreneurship but then I think I already have the tools, it’s more of just throwing my all into it. Trying Trying Trying.  Making it work and constantly being the one thing in my mind. In life, we tend to let everything get in the way. I mean that is life. I think this year i wanted it to be somewhat easier and just flow but I noticed I have let a lot get in the way of things that I want. Biggest obstacle of all has been myself and having confidence in following my intuition. Still the butterfly wasn’t born flying in one day and if I know anything is I am not the kind of girl who will stick to the ground… maybe I should be more but it wouldn’t be me. So for now I really need to just throw myself into achieving long term goals and know that it is the little things that will get me there. It’s all about the details.


How do you know…

17 Jul

…when to call it quits?

I mean the answer probably seems easy right? It’s not working so move on. I wish but everyday we read these motivational crap and “don’t give up” or the famous “don’t stop believing” song which we all secretly wish was the theme song to our lives (it’s in my soundtrack).  I am seeking the answer for this question in general. Work. Relationships. Career choices. School. Hey even married life! How do you know when a certain something is not for you? But then again what if you give up too early and you DID have a chance – that just makes you a quitter. Guess I feel I am in that place in my life right now. Damn 20s. Really are the “figure it out” years.


Some Classic Beauty…

16 May


Check out my Babalu Girl Blog to get news on fashion swimwear.

The Babalu Girl Blog on our company website targets new designers as well as the origins of all those sexy bathing suits you see out there. No one can deny that style icons like Audrey Hepburn, Claudine Auger, Sophia LorenUrsula Andress, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and many more classic beauties, set the bar for the kind of bikini that can make the woman look both beautiful and classy at the same time. We can’t deny that these beautiful women knew how to “make it work” as Tim Gunn would say. They set swimwear trends which are today followed by many and found to be in the inspiration when designing new swimwear.


Don’t forget to check out my website at www.babalugirl.com to get a variety of designs set to make you look like the true beach beauty you are…. Be Babalique!

The Social Media

15 May

I recently read this article on Copyblogger.com that went into the amount of social media out there. It’s true that  this social media we love/hate has helped us in many ways on our daily lives. It keeps you updated on the news and business opportunities out there. Of course it also offers a lot more channels to create gossip. Still getting back to the business aspect of this social networking, I agree with this recent article I read which says it has become the easiest and cheapest way to advertise your business – whether big or small.

I was one of those who had a business idea and simply thought by putting up a post here or there would get me all the clientele I needed. Yeah that was a great idea in theory. In reality? Not so much. It’s constant posting and finding innovative ways to attract your audience and most of all KEEP them. I get excited every time I see a comment left on one of the posts or pictures thinking “okay now visit my site and make a purchase”. But no, no, no …. it’s an everyday process which at times instead of making you feel you are getting somewhat closer to reaching your goals, makes you feel more like a constant failure. Still business everywhere, especially those online, start the same and I am sure the people behind it feel the same way. Social media is there and free, that’s true, but how efficiently you decide to use it is really up to you. You can make it work to your advantage or let it get the best of you and throw in the towel.

social media collage

I chuckle every time I sit in front of my lap top and think “okay here we go again…” post here, pic there, post here, pic there. In every single different one. Make it enticing. Sexy. All while that sound in your head is screaming “BUY SOMETHING ALREADY” *sigh

Still starting your own business isn’t as glamorous or easy as they say. It’s hard work and constantly feeling that people around are doubting your every move. Welcome to the world of wanting to be a successful entrepreneur… Keep truckin’!  (said someone, somewhere)

While we’re at it …. Check out www.babalugirl.com to get exclusive swimwear.

( Had to throw that in!)

Q & A

14 Apr

I recently bought this item from the store – Anthropologie  – I found online only to later realize they have a location in a nearby mall not too far from me. Oh well… hell’s bells. It’s called the Q&A a day . For all those journal enthusiasts like myself, who love to just write a little something everyday, this little book is absolutely perfect. I just got it and already I can’t wait to go back in time and see what mindset I was at the moment… even answering some questions now makes you think a bit – just where you are, where your life is going and where it will actually be within 5 years. Shoot within 1 year.. pretty nice gift idea too!

Q&A Journal

Q&A Journal


Please remember to check out my company website at www.babalugirl.com and help  get more viewers on www.facebook.com/babalu girl … Thanks & follow your dreams!

Lots of  ☮ & ♥ & ツ