Tag Archives: Rhonda Brynes

The “Visualization”

6 Nov

For most people, it all started out with the famous book, The Secret. It stressed on the importance of visualizing your future – the dream board. Corny? Yes. But it works. Everyone knows that it is human nature to need constant visualization of your goals. It serves as a daily reminder of future goals, no matter how big or small.

I’m not any different than most. I read the book and thought – genius. Even more than anything, I believe in the Laws of Attraction. If you constantly believe in the good and attract good vibes as well as give them out, I think that you welcome positivism. As oppose to those other people, the ones one the dark side who always see the glass half empty and when someone else is doing good, their immediate response or reaction is only to compare or belittle. As much as times we can’t help but maybe feel a little jealousy (again we are all humans here, right?), it is important to always be happy and wish others well. Hey they’re  just like you, with the same amount of hours in a day to make it happen.

More and more, I realize how having a visual of the things you want helps you to work that much harder for it and not lose sight. I will say that as time passes I’ve had to unpin a few and add a few. That’s life, as time passes, the things that really matter or you truly want change with age.

So print it, cut it, visualize it and go for it.