Judge Yourself

10 Mar

Certain times in your life you are presented with a situation where you can’t help but think a contradicting notion – I am both way too old and way too young for this. It’s that line in the middle where instead of wanting to go with either options, you rather create your own option. Is it instinct or your gut telling you to go a certain way? I don’t know. All I know up to now, is that you are going to encounter situations in your life where it is okay to feel how you do. You should not feel guilty or dumb, or even that you are wrong for this just because someone else says it. Only person who knows you best is yourself.

We live in a world full of people who like to play the role of judge. Everyone wants to hold the gavel and have an opinion of what they think is right or wrong for you with no regards to your truth but only their own. Now I am not saying you shouldn’t listen to people, I am simply saying to take their opinions into consideration (if you want to) but be your own person and go with your own. These people who cast judgment usually live in a world where only their truth is the right way and what you do or say does not matter. These particular folk are a hard bunch to change so there are times where you can either stress it or realize it is not up to you to try to change THEIR opinion or perspectives on life but your own. Spending so much time getting your point or feeling across can be a waste time in these scenarios. The cliche actions speaks louder than words exists for a reason.


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