Tag Archives: Decisions

So said Sir Newton.

31 Jul


“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”…  said the famous Isaac Newton.  I don’t know if he was solely relating that to physics and mathematics but it can be applied to every day life.  Sitting around “wishing”, “dreaming”, or “hoping” something could happen that IS within your reach is a waste of time.  It takes every part of you to go for what you want. It is simple to just want things but if we don’t take the necessary actions, might as well just lay around and watch life pass you by. A recent life lesson I have learned  – learning – is that the biggest reward you get is not from others but yourself. Even when it comes to helping, sadly some people will not feel thankful but instead look at you as if your duty to do it with nothing in return. While this may be downright rude, there is truth to it. Hey even the big G above said that sometimes you have to commit kind acts and expect nothing in return.  Of course, we are not divine, we are human beings and we WANT to feel that special feeling but like I said, I am learning that just comes from inside. Be satisfied with yourself and what you are doing.  In time, your efforts will pay off.  As for other people, to each his own.consequence

Like a Fine Scotch… Aged 28 Years

30 Apr

I recently turned 28… as in 6 days ago.  So almost a full week on being a 28 year old and I wish I could say that it’s the same as 27 but there is a slight difference. I know a little more this year. I think myself, as well as thousands of other people, go through life figuring out who they are and kind of working at becoming comfortable with that. Accepted, understood, whatever you want to call it – we just want to be liked for who we are. I think at a younger age it’s easy to steer from that notion. Sounds like a confidence issue at times but for me it’s more of being a people pleaser. I’ve always been known for being this social butterfly who wants to be everyone’s friend, while it’s all great and dandy, the whole “like and be liked” trait is not without its flaws. You tend to find yourself wanting to make everyone happy. When this happens you sometimes kind of lose sight of what you want for yourself and that’s where it gets tricky.

Of course I didn’t figure this out all in one day, oh no grasshopper, it’s called the art of growing up. It can be icky at times. Frustrating. Annoying, once you get these sudden realizations of things that should have been simple to figure out. But such is life and it wouldn’t be all this with a little bit of that. Not making any sense, I know, but maybe someone going through their late twenties (moving on up the age ladder this month) will understand. Like one of my favorite quotes from Vanilla Sky (one of my fave movies about impact of choices you make) …“the sweet ain’t as sweet without the bitter baby”. And truth be told, once you figure out the good, the bad and ugly about yourself, you get this sudden feeling of relief that truly only comes with age.


Also, the famous Bette Davis said … “Old age is no place for sissies”.  Be not afraid of getting older and maybe noticing a few gray hairs here or there (haven’t found one…yet). All it means, is that we are that much more awesome and experienced… we get to say “been there , done that, fallen down, gotten up, fallen down again and did it all over again”. Least that how my journey has been for me. At 28, I am becoming more comfortable with my skin, accepting that while I will always want to please and be everyone’s friend – it is completely okay not to be.  Some people will like you, some… you are just not their cup of tea.

There is also the whole “Parallel Life” syndrome which you  learn to let go of… eventually. I least I am (okay, working on it). For me this “Parallel Life” syndrome is where we (I) obsess about where we (I) were SUPPOSE to be at this age. In my case, back from Europe after studying design, found my husband at 23 (yeah? really Nathalie?) and married with 3 kids by now. Of course, while I do like fashion like any other girl, design is not really my forté. I am actually still figuring myself out as an entrepreneur and what I could offer to this crazy world. I am 28 and while the idea of having 3 kids is nice, I am very aware that while being a mother is a privilege, having that amount of kids can be a luxury. Right now my mentality would be start with one and see where that road takes you. 🙂 Love…. hmm well I have had relationships and I am in one. It be great to sit here and say “this is the one” but who really knows that right away? We are still in a “climbing the steps” stage. If anything I can’t help but admit that at times, yes I get antsy thinking what if I waste my time but then I think… does that make my past relationships a waste of time? No. If those “frogs” wouldn’t have been around then there is no way I would really know what I would want from my “prince charming”. Ahh yess… that whole experience/lesson concept. Crazy how it works…


Up to 28 – right here, right now- I can’t say next year or the one after that… my advice to anyone younger than me would be: don’t be afraid to fall, just remember to pick yourself up. Career? Do what you love and most importantly, something you can see yourself doing in the long run! I use to want to be a lawyer up until taking my LSATs and thinking “there is no way I would want to do this for the rest of my life”.  It’s okay to dabble in ideas but think it through (could get expensive). Love? Got me there. It’s a beautiful thing… the ups and downs. Here is a cliche coming up… stop looking for it and let it find you. Just remember to be open to it. At the same time, don’t be scared to spend some time alone with the person you have to see everyday in the mirror.

Feels like I was ranting but guess that’s my little 28 year old tidbit. The rest… well we’ll see. Got a whole year till I reach chapter 29. I’ll leave you with this piece of advice I read here:

“Every morning you are faced with two choices:  You can aimlessly stumble through the day not knowing what’s going to happen and simply react to events at a moment’s notice, or you can go through the day directing your own life and making your own decisions and destiny.”