Dear Betty…

18 Apr

In the past few days I have found myself surrounded by a lot of gal friends doing what girls do best – TALK. It is very interesting to get different perspectives from all the women who are in relationships. All different types of relationships. There are the happily married ones. The engaged. The single one.  And many more.

It’s funny how being surrounded by all these women they can give you some insight on your own relationship even without knowing it. For starters, I have a girlfriend named “Betty” (obviously not her real name) who is actually in a standstill in her relationship. She happens to find herself in a relationship where she finally found love but it might not be exactly the love she was looking for or wanted. I think at some point she thought she did but like every relationship within time it showed its true colors and it is not exactly her palette of choice. So what happens with Betty? Well what would happen with anyone who is not happy in their relationship, both male and female? She starts to realize that maybe, just maybe, these characteristics she is looking for and wants can be found in others. I am not saying she is going down the cheating route, I simply mean through other new found friendships she may have realize that she doesn’t have to settle so early in a relationship that is already not promising her what it initially had. While it is a sucky situation, no other way to put it, it showed me that at some point in a tumultuous or uncertain relationship situation, you come to this midway point where you can either go on or stop? Seeing her in her situation made me realize a lot about my own and make some of my own decisions. Most importantly, I think the key point and lesson here is definitely communication. Whether you are in the beginning, middle or sadly towards the end of a relationship. My dear friend Betty will get nowhere fast with her current beau unless she decides to woman up and give him a little push or scare off his comfort zone where he thinks she is simply content with ordinary or boring.


And yes I know relationships are not going to be exciting or spontaneous or even romantic ALL THE TIME. But just because this may be true does not mean that we should not work on a daily basis to not let that die down. Once it does, routine sets in. Boredom sets in. Wandering eyes come about. This goes both ways, not just the man or the woman. It can happen to either one. Betty is just one of the many examples. One I want to see unravel and where it may take her. While I am always the hopeless romantic rooting for love, I am also a realist who can see the wrong way or dead end sign coming up. So here’s to my friend Betty… may she find her way soon enough, before she gets stuck at the stop sign not knowing which way to go.

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